Room set-up requests
While I have experience speaking in many different environments, having a good set-up is integral to how well a message is received.
Room set-up requests:
- I prefer to use my own laptop (PC)
- At least one projector and screen setup either to the left or right.
- A stage for large audiences (more than 100+ people)
- Sound to be connected directly from the laptop to house speakers
- Microphone preferences: Wireless lapel or wireless headset
- Please no food service during the presentation
- Please no recording devices, unless discussed in advance
- Please make available a large table for additional resources at the back of the room
- Please schedule at least 30 minutes for me to visit the speaking area and perform a sound check
- Please do not post content (slides, handouts) online for download or include any slides in handouts for the audience without discussing it in advance